We could not resist sharing this....
Although this happened a while ago it still brings a smile to my face, so I thought id share it with you.
This short, one paragraph snippet tells the story of a gentleman in Liverpool, England who was recently summoned by his GP for a C-19 vaccination. At only 32, he was somewhat surprised at being offered treatment so early in the programme. So he checked in with his local surgery to ascertain if an error had been made. He was to learn the NHS had him flagged as morbidly obese, with a staggering BMI of 28,000! (This is approximately 1000 times above the UK average of 27.6). At 6ft 2inch (189cm) tall, and weighing 17.5 stone (111 kg), you'd be right to wonder how was this possible?
Turns out the NHS had mistakenly listed him with a height of only 2 inches (6.2cm)! Oops