We all have foods that remind us of home, our childhood, or a particular place or time in our lives. Fish, chips and mushy peas, the perfect Sunday roast, mac-and-cheese, meatloaf, the list goes on.
Sure you would crave such a treat if you moved to an area where you could no longer get it, and if by some culinary stroke of luck, a shop opened allowing you access, you'd probably be first in the queue. But what if your longed for slice of nostalgia were an endangered species? Would you be tempted, just to bring back memories?
While 'bush meat' may not stimulate everyone's salivary glands, there are some for whom it might. If you fall into this group, and you currently reside in Brussels, Belgium, you may be in luck. For just 40 euros per kilo, you can now chow down on up to 15 different endangered species including red tailed monkey, a small antelope named the blue duiker and a greater cane rat... tempted?
Not for us thanks! After dealing with the covid focus of our own preservation, should we not be extending this same courtesy to other species? Especially those who are in arguably a much more precarious situation than our own?