There have been, and will continue to be many debates on the benefits and drawbacks related to marijuana use. Whatever your views are, an article we read in The Economist may surprise you as it did us!
Marijuana, discovered by the Hindu god Shiva seems to be an integral part for life many in India. The country gets through around 70+ tonnes each year! According to Niharika Sharma’s article on from September 2019, Delhi and Mumbai alone got through 70.6 tonnes in 2018. This ranks India third in the world in terms of marijuana consumption; not surprising when you can buy a marijuana paste substance all over India from kiosks for as little as 2 rupees (a few pence).
The Economist article highlighted some of the difficulties India is currently experiencing in relation to this drug, and they are not necessarily those you might expect. Crime, health, addiction - no, Bollywood stars - yes!
Bollywood stars and how they are allegedly contributing to the corruption of India’s youth. Where is the connection you might say?